Believe In Yourself Because Doubts Sabotage Dreams

Mohit Tandon chicago
4 min readNov 2, 2020

Some people consider self-confidence and self-belief as the same, but there is a little difference between these two aspects. Basically, self-confidence can be described as the way you demonstrate your skills to people and work hard to improve your skills. However, self-belief means having faith in yourself that whatever you are doing is right regardless of your success and achievements.

Additionally, people who have self-confidence and self-belief are more likely to live a happier and healthier life as compared to those people who lack self-esteem and self-belief.

Importance Of Self-Belief

Basically, self-belief can determine how much you believe in yourself. Self-belief comprises faith in your skills, value, capabilities, and knowledge. It directly affects your lifestyle and decisions. If you lack self-belief, then most probably, you’ll start doubting your capabilities, and you’ll get less than you deserve. If you trust yourself, then you’ll know your value and importance, says Mohit Tandon chicago .

When you believe in yourself, then you can achieve what you deserve, but without self-belief, you can’t achieve anything even if you have all the qualities that are needed. People with low self-belief often do those things or tasks that are not made for them, so it is important for everyone to develop self-belief.

Ways To Develop Self-Belief

If you find any problem believing in yourself, then you can follow the below steps to boost self-belief:

1. Know Your Strengths

The first thing that you need to know about yourself is that what you are aiming for or what you want to be in your life or what skills you have and so on. Once you successfully answered all the questions, then you will more likely to take a step ahead to boost your self-belief.

Try to prevent yourself from low self-belief because it can kill your dreams and goals that you always wanted to achieve. Make a list of your goals that you want to meet, but remember one thing that you should believe in yourself. :- Mohit Tandon

2. Cope With Inner Critic

Whenever you start thinking negatively, at that time, try to think again and consider your feelings once more to know whether those feelings are negative or positive. If your feelings are negative, then try to find the reason behind it and make efforts to overcome it.

Try to find a difference between right and wrong because sometime you may listen to negative thoughts instead of positive ones.

3. Turn Your Weaknesses Into Strengths

One of the most important things that you need to consider is your weakness because when you identify your weakness, then try to turn it into strength because only focusing on your weakness can demotivate you. So, try to overcome your flaw because when you make efforts to overcome it, you’ll feel more confident, and you’ll start believing in yourself, Mohit Tandon said.

4. Enhance Your Skills

It is your responsibility to sharpen your skills and strengths because when you develop skills, then you’ll be more able to achieve your targets. Only focusing on your existing skills is not the case, but you need to understand that if you develop more skills and improve your existing skills, only then you can survive in this world because everyone wants a skilled person rather than that person who even doesn’t believe in himself/herself.

5. Motivate Yourself Over Time

It is not mandatory that every time you’ll have someone in your bad times, so make sure that you are your own motivational leader that can boost positivity in bad times as well.

In any situation, whether it be bad or good, try to motivate yourself and push yourself into new challenges because when you face a new challenge, only then you can learn how to deal with new challenges and learn new things.

6. Face Every Challenge

Make a list of our fears, and it is not necessary to handle them all at once, but you can face them one by one because, in this way, you can minimize the total number of your fears.

Whenever you consider any fear, then at that time, it is important to know the reason behind it because only then you can resolve your issue.

Summing Up

All of the above tips will help you to boost your self-belief and self-confidence. One of the best things to regain your self-belief by doing those things in which you are perfect because it will boost your self-confidence. Never compare yourself to others because everyone has qualities and weaknesses, and all you need to do is identify your weaknesses and overcome them written by mohit tandon chicago.



Mohit Tandon chicago

I am a medical doctor, entrepreneur, and philanthropist who has partnered and supported various medical missions and animal charities throughout the world.